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<8 years ago>

Shane Armijo


Pay Attention To Posij


Pay Attention To Posij

With a lengthy discography and a variety of sounds safely-equipped on Posij’s musical achievement belt, the man in the hot seat continues to raise the heat.

Last week saw the release of his debut EP on Phace & Misanthrop’s Neosignal; the mind-altering EP fittingly titled Attention… Something we should all be paying as far as Posij is concerned. The four-track EP follows a year of appearances and releases on labels such as Division, Hospital, Inspected and a recent cameo on arguably one of the most anticipated remix albums of the year – Noisia’s Outer Edges Remixes LP. With every twisted tone and texture, Posij continues to show a natural ability to assimilate his ominous signature and dark creative capabilities, turning them into something physically enthralling with every perplexing platter.

We called up the hashtag happy Groningen native born Frank Post and demanded he shed some light (…and dark) on the questions we’ve all been itching to ask. (It’s pronounced Pose-EYE by the way)

Greetings man! Let’s cut to the chase; How on earth do you pronounce your name? 

Well, the “ij” sound is quite the Dutch thing, with names like Van Nistelrooij being changed to Nistelrooy for the same reason. It is pronounced Pose-eye, so the ‘ij’ is pronounced eye. It’s short for Poseidon… I am afraid of swimming in the ocean, unless I wear goggles. I also changed the ‘ei’ to ‘ij’… It used to be my nickname in Quake 3 Arena. Challenge me to a Clan Arena Ruleset 1 game in Quake Live, I DARE YOU.

Challenge accepted. As long as we don’t distract you from the studio. Your output has been remarkable. What’s been the singular most inspiring thing in the studio for you lately? 

I moved my studio from my house to where Noisia’s studios are at. I’m basically in the old office of our management, who has moved down the hall. Ever since moving my studio, I cold-turkey stopped playing video games and had the opportunity to separate making music (“work”) from relaxing. Since that moment, I have literally become seven times more productive as before – so having my home and studio separated has been the most inspiring thing for me the last year and a half.

If you had to pick three artists that have directly influenced your productions who would you choose?

Mr Oizo: After hearing flat beat and realizing this music can be made with a computer, I turned my attention towards music production and never stopped chasing the feeling of wanting to know how to do music.

Amon Tobin: This music was so far over my head, it kept me on edge to try and keep moving forward and never stop learning new things about music production.

Noisia: Same as Amon Tobin, but with a more dance-able vibe to it – they’ve been my inspiration from the beginning and it’s weird to now be able to work so close with them Although I’ve never really made music with them, their music and work ethic is what inspires and influences me.

I also have to mention Flying Lotus: This was the style I chased most when starting out in making music. His creativity in how to get sounds to work together is sick – love it.

Out of your entire discography, what is your favorite tune you’ve made, and why? 

Wow, that’s hard to say, every tune sort of has a story to it, how it came to be and what gave it the final push. But I guess my favourite could be CV Promode.

I made it with one of my best friends Boris Burger aka Borrel, who goes by the name Burglar now. The drop and hook of the track were made in one day and the arrangement on another. It all fell together so naturally and the split effort of both of us was so cleanly 50/50 divided it almost felt like we did not make the tune and it just sort of came in to existence. Hearing the melody and drums still brings a smile to my face. Especially with the whole half-time movement coming to the surface of drum & bass, this track still goes off in sets. Thank you, Boris!

Any big tours coming around this summer? 

I always wait too long between releases, this is a problem I’m trying to tackle this year. Last year I did a lot of shows through Europe – can’t wait to do that again this year. But my releases have to be out there first! Australia/NZ and the US have always been on the radar, maybe I’ll be able to make it this year.. Who knows?! #musicbiz

How about new up and coming artists. There have been so many talented artists emerge recently. It’s become harder to keep up. Who are you rating at the moment?

All the guys submitting to Noisia Radio! I produce this show for Noisia so all demos go through me first and there is such a sick line up of newcomers – I love the fact Noisia Radio gives them a platform to get their music heard. Here are some honorable mentions: Tsuruda, Chee, Jon Casey, Yokaze, OCEE, Høst and the list goes on!

What do you think about the state of the drum and bass scene? 

I love the half-tempo movement, it’s ruffled the feathers of a lot of stick-in-butt purist drum & bass heads who have had to accept new styles within the genre. Making music, I never really stuck to one genre. For me there is such a range to the entire drum & bass sound right now that I’m likely never, ever, ever run out of ideas now. #dnbappreciationday2017

Good to hear. Any final words or comments?

Sugar. Butt. That is all. Also, check out my super incognito alias on SoundCloud: Totally Not Posij. #interview

Posij Power: Facebook / Soundcloud / Twitter

Posij – Attention is out now on Neodigital


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