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<11 years ago>

Dave Jenkins


Three Things You Didn’t Know About: Two Fresh


Three Things You Didn’t Know About: Two Fresh

And the award for the trippiest video of the month goes to…

Directed and conjured by the wonderfully warped mind Brainfeeder’s visual captain Strangeloop, it fits the Blimpus vibe perfectly. A track the twin brothers describe as a rewind to their carefree childhood, it oozes positivity from every element.

“We had been making a lot of darker, heavier tracks recently,” explains  Shweez. “So the idea with the whole EP was to bring back some of our old vibe; a bit more melodic, a bit more chill, but still have that heaviness.”

“We started Blimpus and the track Shotta while we were on the SMOG tour,” Kendo adds. “So we were enjoying a whole range of music on the tour and a lot of was pretty rowdy – included what we were playing – so this EP is a result of our influences.”

And the influences continue… Both entrenched in love for hip-hop since their teens, the pair have recently relocated from Denver to Los Angeles in order to pursue their vision further and work with more rappers and vocalists. While those beats are cooking, the pair have already prepared an exciting feast of imminent freshness – many of which of will be available on their Soundcloud in the coming months. As if the Blimpus EP wasn’t quite enough!

To celebrate Two Fresh’s UKF debut we wanted to know more about the brothers… Like, does their twin status give them a shared vision in the studio or do they squabble all the time? More importantly, which one is the evil one?

“We got into making music at the same time,” says Shweez. “We both had to share the same computer when we were growing up so it was kind of inevitable. Our tastes are very similar but there are definitely differences in taste and ideas. Where being brothers does help is that we’re on the same page communicatively. We can be very clear and direct with each other when we’re not feeling something.”

Well we’re certainly feeling Two Fresh!

FYI: Neither of them is the evil one. Here are three more cool things you should know about Two Fresh…

They used to play USTA tennis

Shweez: “We played doubles in tournament tennis at a pretty high level. We were ranked in the south and ranked in Tennessee. We went to a tennis camp which was run by Olympic Gold winner Ken Flach. We were on the road to playing tennis as a career!”

Kendo: “The switch from sports was when we were deciding on colleges to attend. We were very close to going to a sports college in South Carolina that was like 80 per cent tennis… You’d be playing it more than you were studying and we both realised that we wanted to learn other things. We didn’t really want sport as our main focus. I did digital media and Sherwyn studied Geology.”

Their folks love Skrillex

Kendo: “Both our parents and grandparents are from Barbados. Ourselves and our brothers were the first of our family to be born in the US. In Brooklyn. We haven’t gone back since we were little, we’d love to go out and play there eventually!

Shweez: “We were brought up on a lot of reggae and a lot of jazz and calypso. We grew up to a rich soundtrack! But our parents didn’t quite understand the music and we wanted to show them the vibe… So when we toured with Skrillex we took them out to a show. They got to see what it was all about and what we were doing which was such a great feeling and experience. And actually they enjoyed it so much, they ended up coming to two more shows. They loved it. It was crazy!”

Their first ever CDs were Jamiroquai – Travelling Without Moving and the Men In Black Soundtrack

Kendo: “My first ever CD was Jamiroquai’s Travelling Without Moving after I heard Virtual Insanity. Our older brothers had hooked us up with some really cool music at a pretty early age. And through them I’d discovered Jamiroquai. It was hard to not like them; so funky!”

Shweez: “And my first CD was the Men In Black soundtrack. We went out and bought our CDs on the same day, we must have been about 10 or 11 and, looking back, it was a very triumphant day… The two of us walking out of Target with two killer CDs. I just remember thinking ‘what music do I like?’ ‘What music really appeals to me?’ I couldn’t quite work it out at the time – it’s a pretty big question to ask yourself when you’re that age. We’d just watched the movie so thought it would be a cool place to start my musical explorations. I haven’t looked back!”

Blimpus is out now: iTunes, Beatport

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